Pillar 4 – Sport for Good

A sport is not only just for leisure, but an important tool that can act as a wheel to transform lives in society. Sport continues to be driver of transformative change both on individuals and societies at large. Beegsan Foundation organizes events across the 5 counties of operation by inspiring and changing the lives of many youths through education on dangers of drugs and drugs abuse, environmental conservation and unity in social set ups.

The Foundation not only focuses on sports but other team building and unifying social responsibility activities like tree planting, the importance of having a green environment and how to improve it and children’s home visits. Interestingly, we do follow ups on the projects to assess the progress.

In order to achieve real impact on the ground, we are focusing our efforts and resource around those of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which we believe sport can most effectively be used to achieve.  We invest in programmes which are aimed at achieving outcomes for children and young people in one or more of the following six SDG-related social focus areas:

  • Health & Wellbeing – Enhancing mental wellbeing/encouraging healthy behaviour change
  • Education – Increased access to and completion of education
  • Women & Girls – Promoting equality, empowerment and safety
  • Employability – Developing skills and creating pathways to employment
  • Inclusive Society – Creating communities which embrace ethnic, cultural and physical differences
  • Peaceful Society – Resolving conflict; Community peace-making; Safe spaces